Expert Marketing Services for Dentists | Practice Cafe

Practice Cafe’s Sweet
and Savory

Your career as a dentist didn’t just happen. You made a plan, you completed undergraduate studies, you passed the DAT, you earned your dental degree, you knocked out boards, and now you do the precision work of dentistry daily. Does reading that remind you of how far you’ve come? It should! You’ve studied so much and worked so hard to bring home the bacon. We think you deserve dental marketing for your practice that’s as professional, polished, and successful as you are!

We’re happy you’re here learning about Practice Cafe! We hope you’ll take your time looking around and checking things out. Let’s see if our tried-and-true dental marketing—our sweet and our savory services alike—will satisfy your dental marketing cravings.

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Dental Practice Brand Development

Practice Naming

Not all dental practice names are created equal. You’ll want to avoid boring, forgettable names. You’ll also want to resist the pitfall of clever names that make everyone but you cringe. Go Pro(phylaxis) Dental, for example, is more cringeworthy than clever. What you name your practice absolutely matters, and we can help you choose a great name! We offer dental practice naming assistance for $195. You can get it for FREE when you purchase other digital or traditional dental marketing services, because we'll credit the $195 from your practice naming process to your other dental marketing with us. We think free is a pretty good deal!

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Logo Design

Do yourself and your patients a favor and walk briskly away from the yawn-inducing extracted tooth logos that some designers are ready to shower you with. Your patients have seen those designs before and since they all start to look basically the same, they won’t stand out. They won’t be memorable enough! Practice Cafe’s dental logo designs are customized in all aspects to your vision for your practice branding, from the logo graphics to the typography and colors. We’ll work with you to deliver a dental logo design that can be used smoothly across all marketing and patient acquisition channels.

We’ll begin the process by gathering information about your design preferences, your font proclivities, and your color predilections. We’ll also ask about where you’d like us to draw inspiration from for your initial dental logo concepts. We often turn to your practice name itself. Additional inspiration may come from your town or the area where your office is located. We want to find the sweet spot with your custom dental logo since it’s the foundation for the rest of your dental marketing designs. Take a look at some samples of dental logos we’ve created!

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Once you have your practice brand anchored solidly by your shiny new dental logo, it’s time to move on to your business card, letterhead, and envelope designs (even though envelopes tend to be pretty boring). We begin the stationery design process by showing you three different concepts, representing varying brand directions that your dental marketing could take. Professionally-designed stationery augments the graphic elements of your logo with new elements such as accent colors and patterns, bringing you that much closer to a fully-developed dental brand image that’s ready to spread its wings and fly. Practice Cafe is here to adventure with you!



When you have the opportunity to grab drive-by attention, it’s time to bust out your dental banner! This is particularly apropos if you’re waiting for your new signage and you want to make sure people in your area know you’re there and what they should do about it. Make appointments, please people! But banners aren’t only for new dental practices; they’re also excellent for advertising new patient offers, promoting special events, and even announcing new services or associates (like a pediatric dentist). Practice Cafe can design and print a variety of banner sizes to accommodate your needs, so let’s talk about what will work for you. Our dental banners are bomb. The designs are top-notch, the printing is high-quality yet affordable, and our service is fast. That’s a winning combination all around!


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Piping Hot Digital Marketing for Dentists

You know you need a dental website for your practice, but how do you make sure people see your site and take action once they arrive there? How do you get your practice brand in front of more people in your area who are searching for specific dental services that you offer? How do you grow your online reputation so that people who don’t yet know you will feel confident in scheduling an appointment with your team? How do you get your social media channels to the point where they are engaging existing patients and attracting new ones? The answer to all these questions and more isn't easy, but it is simple. Call Practice Cafe and we’ll work up a piping hot, integrated digital marketing plan that's specific to your dental marketing budget and needs.

Dental Websites

Practice Cafe’s awesome, custom dental websites are optimized for mobile and desktop viewing (and everything in between) through responsive dental web design. They’re also constructed with dental SEO best practices in mind, so your site can start off on stable footing for organic search ranking growth. For the development process, you’ll choose from two initial homepage dental web design mock-ups, and then you’ll get original, SEO-guided content on all of your dental website’s pages before we round things out with expert coding that’s not limited by WordPress templates that some freelancers are stuck with due to limited abilities. You’ll own your custom, premium WordPress dental website, and you can take it anywhere you want should you choose to switch providers in the future.

Our team creates practice websites to be user-friendly, conversion-focused, and designed with the future in mind, ready for additional search engine optimization and with content management editing capabilities. To help you track your dental website’s effectiveness and progress, we’ll set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console for you. Don’t settle for a limiting, stock-theme dental website when you can get an affordable custom dental web design and pay for it over 12 months with no interest!

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Custom website mockup

Dental SEO

An up-to-date, mobile-responsive dental website is a good start, but plenty of dentists in your area have good or even great dental websites. How do you make sure that your dental website is seen? Our ongoing search engine optimization (dental SEO) program will help you achieve better organic rankings so your practice website gets in front of more prospective patients. Practice Cafe’s pro-level, local dental SEO program follows best practices from industry-leading sources. We don’t employ shortsighted black hat tactics that bring seemingly quick gains but hurt your website rankings in the long-run. Our dental SEO services balance art and science, connecting with your audience (humans) while simultaneously catering to the demands of search engines (robots). Our month-to-month dental SEO offerings include dynamic phone call tracking, original content creation, technical website improvements, directory assistance and link-building, and advanced reporting and analysis.

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Google Ads

Paid ads on Google, often referred to as PPC (pay-per-click) are another effective AND cost-effective way to get potential patients to contact your dental office. Think of Google Ads as an auction where you’re bidding for search engine placement so people with specific intent will see your dental practice and take action—click! Getting the most bang for your buck in dental PPC auctions requires experience, diligence, testing, skill, and a heaping cup of patience. Those happen to be the attributes that Practice Cafe’s dental PPC team brings to the table for each of our Google Ads clients! In addition, Practice Cafe is a Google Trusted PPC Partner, which means we’re regularly tested by Google to ensure that we’re meeting their standards for paid advertising. We build our clients’ dental PPC accounts from scratch, with each client getting his or her own customized, evolving program, tailored to the practice’s area, budget, services, other marketable attributes, and how ad campaigns actually perform. We track and report your account’s progress with integrity, and our month-to-month dental PPC services are successful at increasing new patient leads with an average cost per lead of only $40-50!

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Facebook Advertising

Dental SEO and PPC are perfect for grabbing the attention of patients who already know they need or want dental care, but many dentists want to reach more audiences. What if you could strategically target an audience of people who should receive dental care but perhaps aren’t thinking about it until you give them a compelling reason to do so? That’s where Facebook Advertising shines! Facebook advertising uses paid ads to increase your dental brand awareness, promote patient specials, encourage prospective leads to contact your office, direct more visitors to your Facebook page, and accomplish other goals such as funnel traffic to your practice website. Practice Cafe’s team designs visually-appealing Facebook and other social ads for your dental practice that are targeted to appropriate audiences, and we’ll adjust your campaigns based on their performance and results, which you’ll see in the reports we send you. As part of this Practice Cafe service, we’ll set up your Facebook advertising interface and link it with Google Analytics for tracking capabilities.

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Increasingly, people look to online patient reviews before scheduling with a new dentist. Are patients regularly leaving reviews for your dental practice on sites that people actually visit when they’re reading reviews? Do your competitors have more or better reviews than your practice? How should you respond to reviews, both negative and positive? (It’s a good idea to acknowledge and thank patients for positive reviews!) Practice Cafe’s online reputation management utilizes a leading review software to streamline an effective system for soliciting reviews. Your review dashboard lets you see and sort all of your reviews in a centralized location. Our service also includes timely and best-practice responses to negative reviews. The software program integrates with your dental practice software and has mobile capabilities, as well. It’s time to step up your review game today!

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Social Media Posting

Help expand your dental practice’s online presence through social media posting. For this add-on service, Practice Cafe posts weekly on up to two social media outlets of your choosing. These “shareable” posts are informative and fun, customized to your office’s branding and your preferred style. Social media contributes to top-of-mind awareness among your patient community, and it gives people an easy way to tell others about your practice. Our social media dental marketing services can replace or, preferably, supplement your team’s social media strategy and efforts.

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Hand using mobile device

Practice Videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video’s worth, what—one hundred thousand words? A million words? Practice Cafe’s professional, affordable video service includes pre-production, a one-day shoot, and post-production (editing) for a low flat fee that includes travel expenses within the US. During your dental video shoot, Practice Cafe’s videographer will interview you as well as patients providing video testimonials. Our video professional will also capture compelling footage of your dental office, and you and your team in action, emphasizing your marketable attributes and portraying the benefits of becoming one of your patients. Following your shoot, your video will be ready for review within two weeks. Final videos can be up to two to three minutes long and are delivered in HD. If your dental website was created by Practice Cafe, we’ll upload your new video to it for free! If you’re a dental SEO client, we’ll also upload your new video to applicable directories and to your social channels as well.

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Dental Marketing to
Boost Referrals

Referral dental marketing is any internal or external effort that generates and maximizes opportunities for inviting new patients through existing patients and other members of your professional network. As you grow your practice and your patient base, you should be tapping into the power of happy patients! Referral patients are commonly gained with less time and investment than new patients who don’t have a referral connection with your dental practice, so we consider them low-hanging fruit. Practice Cafe’s referral marketing designs include referral cards, rack cards, recall systems, referral pads, magnets and other ad specialty items, letters, and promotional posters.

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Direct Mail
Is Still Kicking

With so many viable options for marketing your dental practice, it’s sometimes easy to forget about direct mail. But in many cases, dental direct mail campaigns still deliver great bang for your marketing buck, especially in rural areas and for highly-marketable practices! Practice Cafe’s turnkey direct mail programs include design, high-quality printing, mailing lists with new movers, mailhouse services, postage, call tracking with automatic scoring and appointment confirmations, initial phone answering training for your front desk staff, and analysis. Choose from a dental postcard, a 4-panel postcard, and Practice Cafe’s superior 8-panel direct mailer. Our flexible, quarterly dental mailing programs allow you to update the mailer design, adjust your mailing list, or change the mailing schedule before the beginning of each quarter, so you’re not locked into a year-long commitment. We also offer mailing list exclusivity, which means you’ll be sending out the best dental mailers in your area!


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Dental Demographic Reports

Private dental practices face a multitude of potential pitfalls as they fight to succeed in competitive markets. Perhaps the costliest mistake we see is also one that is completely avoidable: picking or buying into a bad dental office location. Don’t base your decision primarily on accommodating lease terms or an easy loan package. You need to know what you’re committing to. We recommend getting a demographic report to help you do just that, and from a company with years of dental-specific experience! There may be good options out there that we're not familiar with, but we usually refer dentists to Doctor Demographics or Dentagraphics.

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