Make Lasting
Dental Logo Impressions

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Make lasting impressions on patients with a professional, distinctive logo design that really says something about the flavor of your dental practice.
You, a human being (we’re assuming), have a face and a name. When people meet you for the first time, they connect the two to help them remember you. A logo works for a dental practice the same way as facial recognition after meeting someone, enabling people to make a visual association with your business and put a “face” with your practice name. When the appearance of your logo is appealing to patients, they’re more likely to remember it and think positively of it. If your logo is unappealing or straight up scary to prospective patients, they might remember it because they don’t like it, but that’s not what we’re going for here!

Any advertising effort to attract new patients should communicate a "look and feel" that matches those patients’ criteria for a dental office. A logo succinctly expresses the look and feel of your practice in one graphic, acting as the foundation for your brand image and setting up the design style for the rest of your dental marketing. Think of a logo like the hearty base or savory broth that all other dental marketing ingredients are added to! If your logo misses the mark, it’s like a yucky, cold soup (and we’re not talking about gazpacho, which is meant to be chilled).
Dental Practice Logo Samples
Your Dental Brand Style Guide
As we work together to create a professional, eye-catching, and cohesive brand for your dental practice, there will be graphics, fonts, and colors that become some of the main ingredients for your branding. After your logo is finalized, you’ll receive a brand style guide with variations of your logo, detailed color information, font names for your branding (for both print and web designs), and a demographic snapshot to inform stock photography selection.
If you’re having Practice Cafe design stationery, an awesome dental website, and/or other dental marketing projects in addition to your logo, the brand guide will also include some of the graphic elements, patterns, and textures that are part of those other projects. The brand style guide is good to keep in your own business files, and it will prove to be a practical help to other vendors, whether they'll be fabricating your signage or embroidering your logo on scrubs.

Build Trust

An attractive logo visually contributes to you looking like you've got it together. This is true for all dental practices, but it's especially important for start-ups. From day one, you want people in your area to think that you are a presence worth noticing and one that makes a difference in the community. As time passes, establishing and maintaining trust is a huge part of building and growing your patient base. A solid logo can help patients feel a greater sense of stability about your dental practice or, on the other hand, a lame logo can make your practice look like it doesn’t stack up. Moral of the story? Don’t skip breakfast and don’t skip a professional logo. Take care of your dental marketing metabolism!

Dental Practice Logo Love

"Everyone I’ve shown the logo to loves it – already had some t-shirts made up with it as we start to roll it out. It’s a lot of fun to play around with, and it looks great on anything marketing-wise. As far as branding goes, it’s going to work out great. You guys did a great job! Thanks!"

Ready to create
your logo?
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A Note from Angie:
Logo Design and
All the Feelings
I've worked with dentists for my whole career so far, and I know many of you who have expressed how fulfilling it is to see a patient from the time they're a child through to when they become an adult. At Practice Cafe, we feel similarly when we have the privilege of working with a dentist on their logo and branding and then, hopefully, the rest of their dental marketing for years to come. Doing logos for clients can be likened to seeing a patient for their very first dental appointment. You're there from the beginning, and you set the stage for what they’ll think about your services!
The logo design process is exciting, but it can also feel overwhelming. Some clients have never participated in a process like it. Some people just have a hard time articulating visual design ideas and feedback into words. Other clients have a brand vision but when they see it executed, they change their minds about it. Whatever the reason for your logo design challenges, don't lose heart or hope! If you don't see a logo that you love in the first round, know that it's common. Giving constructive design feedback is all about identifying what you like and don't like about different options, then determining the next step. With every round, we work together to communicate, reiterate, and get closer and closer to "the one." Here's a peek at the evolution of the Practice Cafe logo when we were branding ourselves back in 2005:

We didn't hit a homerun in our initial concepts, but there were several elements or ingredients that we took from those first ideas. We combined and tweaked and eventually, we came to our final logo. And it has served us well for many years! We’d love to design a logo for you that will stand the test of time, too.