Constantly Stretching
to Stay Flexible

Practice Cafe’s turnkey dental direct mail programs include custom design, high-quality printing, mailing lists with new movers, mailhouse services, postage, call tracking, initial phone training, and analysis. Choose from a postcard for your practice’s grand opening, a 4-panel piece if you’re a dental specialist, or our superior 8-panel dental direct mailer. We offer both flexible, quarterly mailing programs as well as annual direct mail campaigns, so you can choose a campaign that meets your practice’s dental marketing needs, fits your allocated budget, and comes with a time commitment that you’re comfortable with. We’ve never done that challenging yoga pose, but we’re constantly stretching in our business, service offerings, and prices to stay flexible for our clients and be able to meet their needs.
With our flexible, quarterly dental mailing programs, you have the opportunity before the beginning of each quarter to update the mailer design, adjust your mailing list, or change the mailing schedule. Does that sound almost as good as your favorite sandwich?

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mailing analysis!
Benefits of

You don’t have to be a yoga master to know the benefits of flexibility, and you don’t have to know about goat yoga either. When it comes to dental mailer design, Practice Cafe’s flexible, quarterly mailing programs allow you to update your photos following an office makeover or an unanticipated staff change. You can tweak new patient specials after analyzing last quarter’s response to previous offers, or you might want to try rotating special offers based on the season. If you add impressive new technology or you’re excited about newly expanded treatment offerings, you can get those incorporated into your next quarter’s direct mail no problem! Mailer updates need not be impressive or exciting, though—you may simply need to update your office hours. Done and done!
As we work together to analyze the overall response rate of your mailer, the performance of your mailing list segments, or to determine how well the monthly drop size is increasing your new patient call volume, you have the option to make evidence-based changes to these aspects of your direct mail program as well. Heck, even if you just have a hunch about a certain neighborhood in your area, you can try mailing there for a quarter with less pressure than if you had to commit to it for a longer campaign. Practice Cafe’s team is here for you every step of the way to help determine whether direct mail is a viable dental marketing channel for your practice growth, or whether you should consider redirecting funds to other patient acquisition channels.
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Digital Marketing

In addition to flexible dental direct mail services, Practice Cafe also offers flexible, month-to-month digital marketing for dentists ranging from dental SEO and dental PPC to Facebook advertising and online reputation management.
We believe practices should give any legitimate dental SEO program at least one quarter to gain traction, but if you think you’re not getting your dental SEO money’s worth (or if you simply need to reallocate your dental marketing budget to other, more emergent practice needs), you’re not going to be stuck in a year-long contract with Practice Cafe! The quality of our customer service and the effectiveness of our work will speak for themselves without the need for a lengthy contract to make clients stay. Clients at the dental cafe stick around for years because they like us and we really like them, and that kind of professional relationship is something to smile about!
See Digital Services