A Make Over with
Bang for the Buck

Whether you recently purchased an established dental practice and you’re needing some ideas for a quick makeover, or you’re looking at your own older office and thinking it could use a pick-me-up, you’ve come to the right place!
Today’s dental offices are changing, and ambience is more important to patients than in the past. Updating your practice systems or energizing your team dynamics might (and likely will) take some months of effort and patience, but sprucing up the appearance of your office can be done in a weekend or two! Some dental practices spend a lot of money on remodeling and expensive purchases, which in some cases is needed, but most of the suggestions on this list can be accomplished on a minimal budget with pretty good bang for your buck.
While many of these suggestions focus on the lobby and front desk area, they can still be applied to other areas of your office, from the hallways to the operatories. Contact us if you’d like some recommendations tailored to your individual practice!
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